Monday, March 1, 2010

Phase 5: Poking holes in a square

Man, trying to keep myself to these Sunday night deadlines is a hassle. It feels like it's always Sunday.

"But Kevin, it 330am. Doesn't that mean it's Monday?"

Don't be ridiculous, silly reader. Don't be ridiculous.

This week, we're going to take a little excursion. Instead of talking about some more set theory or abstract algebra, let's play a little game.

Say we start out with a square of side-length L, then inscribe a circle and cut out the circle's area. Next we inscribe a square into that circle hole and add that area back to the total. We have a square again, so let's cut out another circle. Then add another square. Then subtract yet another circle. Then add a smaller square... On and on, til we have something that looks like this:

The question is: If the process of subtracting circles and adding squares continues to itsy, bitsy, infinitesimal, microscopic mothaflankin' Planck-like lengths, what total area does our final figure assume?

Let's define an iteration of our process as "add 1 square, subtract its inscribed circle."

So, for example, iteration 0 is to begin with a square of side-length L and subtract its inscribed circle of radius r=L/2.

I hate to say it, but: just in case I lost you on that radius, check out this figure:

So the first area, let's denote is A0, we find to be:
A0 = square(0) - circle(0)
= L2 - πr2
= L2 -  π(L/2)2
= L2 - (π/4)L2
= (1 - π/4)L2

What is the area after a second iteration?

To answer this, we first must figure out what the side-length of the new inscribed square should be. Just note that its corner points are touching the circle: this gives us the length of its diagonal! It is two times the radius of the circle--and since the circle's radius is L/2, that makes the new square's diagonal equal to L.

We can now find the side length of square(1) using the good ol' Pythagorean Theorem, which is formally:
c2 = a2 + b2

...where c2 is the hypotenuse, while a and b are the triangle's legs. In our case, c = L and a = b:
L2 = a2 + a2 = 2a2

So the side length of square(1) is L/√2.

What will circle(1)'s radius be? Again, it's half the length of the square it's inscribed in, so it is a/2 = L/(2√2).

The area upon the second iteration then will be
A1 = A0 + Square(1) - circle(1)
= A0 + a2 - π(a/2)2
= A0 + (1/2)L2 - (π/8)L2
= (1 - π/4 + 1/2 - π/8)L2

For now on, let's just say that L = 1, then we don't have to worry about carrying it around.

Upon iteration 2, we would find:
A2 = A1 + 1/4 - π/16
= 1 - π/4 + 1/2 - π/8 + 1/4 - π/16

A3 = A2 + 1/8 - π/32
= 1 - π/4 + 1/2 - π/8 + 1/4 - π/16 + 1/8 - π/32

There's a pattern emerging here. We really don't have to do much more work to extrapolate this trend towards infinity. Let's regroup the terms of A3:

A3 = (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8) - (π/4 + π/8 + π/16 + π/32)
= (1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8) - (π/4)( 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8)
= (1-π/4)(1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8)


(1/2)0 = 1
(1/2)1 = 1/2
(1/2)2 = 1/4
(1/2)3 = 1/8

So, we can simplify the sum using "sigma summation notation":
A3 = (1-π/4)∑(1/2)n,

where the sum runs from n=0 to n=3. (The capital sigma let's us know to SUM over n; n is called the summation index.)

Notice that it will now have this same form for every iteration. For example, the nth iteration will have total area given by:

An = (1-π/4)∑(1/2)n (where the sum runs from j=0 to j=n)

Does this sum converge as n goes to infinity? The answer is yes. You can prove it using a technique from analysis called the "root test." Or, perhaps you know that this is a well-known type of series called a "geometric series," which is convergent as n goes off into the distant lands, ever-seeking that holy grail.

So what is the area of that object with all the weird holes in it? Here's a little table of some numerical values for the total area upon successive iterations:

A2 0.375553214
A4 0.415791058
A5 0.422497366
A6 0.42585052
A7 0.427527096
A8 0.428365385

We can pretty much see that it's going to end up somewhere around 0.43 --- that is, 43% the area of the original square.

Using some knowledge about the geometric series, I can tell you that the series ∑(1/2)n approaches 2, so our series (1-π/4)∑(1/2)n approaches (1-π/4)(2) = 2 - π/2, which equals 0.429203673 out to nine decimal places.

So we were pretty much right.

We rule.


Edip Yuksel said...

Not only you appreciate the beauty of this question, you have demonstrated the solution in a fantastic way (excluding the hint of obcenities)...

I shared it with two of my sons. I will share it with my philosophy students tonight :)

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